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Loose pounds!

PostPosted: Tue Jan 11, 2011 6:28 pm
by Nevis
Today I haven’t got to go to work
Yipee! :P Yipee! :lol:

Make the most of Sunday roast with this quick and easy
leftover recipe for chicken soup.

This is how I make my chicken & veg soup
I have lost pounds by filling myself with my tasty soup each day as my main meal and having a tiny mini dessert
Here is the recipe

I make stock using the chicken carcass remains left from our Sunday chicken roast, by boiling together onion, carrots and mixed dried herbs from the garden.

Add enough water to cover the chicken and boil everything for anything from 1/2 an hour up to 1 hour -the longer it's boiled, the more concentrated the flavour)-strain the mixture
Dispose of carcass
Alternatively you can use a stock cube which is less healthy.

Then fry off 2 or 3 chopped leeks and some diced onion in olive oil and a little crushed garlic until it starts to soften. Then add 2 or 3 grated carrots again allow to cook 3-5 mins,
Throw in any leftover bits of chicken and veg from the Sunday roast, add as much chicken stock as required then it to the bring to the boil.
Add 3 peeled and chopped potatoes and boil slowly for about approximately 15 mins.
Or until the aroma tells you ...... eat me!
Blend and serve warm with a wholemeal / crusty bread roll.
Freeze some in little pots 4 l8r. ;)

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