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Another day in my life

PostPosted: Thu Jul 14, 2011 11:11 am
by Nevis
Raising much needed funds for a good cause :applause

Team building a time to unwind :thumbsup

traditional or fruitcake?

PostPosted: Fri Aug 12, 2011 11:00 am
by goodtimesdisco
A friend was cutting pruning the trees at the end of his mums garden. He had finished his mum side of the trees and decided to jump over the fence into the garden backing on to his mums house and trim their side too (thought he was being helpful and neighbourly) He was snipping away when hell broke and he heard somebody shouting and screaming in a foreign language, He turned around to be confronted by a large black lady waving her hands acting crazy. Then the women proceeded to lift her top up exposing a large pair of breasts which she gesticulated towards him still screaming. Then at that time a younger women came out into the garden, and my friend explained what he was doing and also realised that their washing line must have been tied to a branch on the tree. Laying on the ground in front of him was the women's laundry- hence her madness then becoming obvious. After my buddy had explained to the younger lady what he was doing and apologised for the washing line incident things quietened down.
I got me wondering if this breast exposure and wobbling is some kind of traditional thing to see off predators or is she just another fruitcake?
I haven't had any luck goggling this query anybody out there have any theories about this point.
comments will be welcomed
happy days

Winning Ticket

PostPosted: Fri Aug 26, 2011 6:04 pm
by dub
Hey ho :scratch I have this thing that when I buy the fuel for the car I pay an additional tax :yes by purchasing a scratch card :joker
On this occasion I choose a number one box (because I went over my target fill by a penny) ;-)
"That will be five pounds" said the cashier (a millionaire scratch card) normally anything over the £1 bracket is out the question :yes
Always the optimist, I went for it :thumbsup and parted with a fiver voluntary tax :rotfl
14 chances to win 5 millionaire prizes :applause i won ziltch on the majority of the games but on the final game set (5 chances to win a million :yum ) I scratched the prizes first and one prize is a million :dizzy Iv'e had this card for five days now :indifferent and have-not scratched the final panel and if my score is higher than the 'bank' I win a million pounds :celebrate (my score is 20) :mexican
The Mrs is going 'nuts' and wants me to reveal all I'm just enjoying spending this money I haven't won :yes :no :yes :no :yes :no :yes I'm getting some mileage imagining life with some readies in the bank :applause
In all in line with the mzawfing concept
One chance in 13983816 twice weekly free bet ....
Join mzawf now, share your theories, post comments, impart your wisdom, whatever ! and share in the winnings -thats if mzawf has a significant win you have to actively support mzawf by getting into the fray, to share!
Then visit mzawf regularly to qualify
It's a shot in the dark
Who knows my scratch card might be a wind up (in which case I'll stick to the norm by not wasting a fiver on a scratch card :firey ) then maybe its not :punch
I'll update you all when I after I scratched that final box.
From Birdies Nest Tabago :glasses or hear ! :banghead

Re: Winning Ticket

PostPosted: Fri Aug 26, 2011 9:00 pm
by steveizy
Go on! Be brave! Scratch it! ... or we'll all be "itching" ... to know the outcome :celebrate or :thumbsdown

Re: Winning Ticket

PostPosted: Mon Aug 29, 2011 11:01 am
by AliceMepham
:neeSo wat happened then? R u in tabago now disney world seems more fitting :neernerneener

when madness takes over

PostPosted: Wed Sep 07, 2011 11:09 pm
by Djody Pieter
When madness takes over.....Try your best to cope. ITS HARD.. i dont always do it, i lose my rag but i try my hardest to cope. As long as you realise that the madness has taken over and should be addressed right away, so that things can continue on as before. On doing this you would had gained back a little forgivness and understanding. One could have an out look on another kind of madness that canot be addressed. The kind where you would be fed a strong sedative just so the staff can have some peace. You've all seen it. Coo coo.. Coo coo There is some conflict weather or not you were in the same state as you were when you first went in. (Medication) lots of it. Must be another way..mmmmmmmmmmm Let me think....? Leave them alone prehaps. Stop trying to intervean. I mean, aslong as they dont hurt anyone it could actually make for a more amusing life...Harsh...maybe? but i know you all probably gave a little grin at the thought. Can't not mention the band MADNESS. They all act a little mad but i supose they had a lot to live up to with a name like madness. Could of gone 2 ways really. They could of been a angry punk i wanna kill the world and create madness. Im glad they chose the other one. All this talk of madness has made me go a little crazy with my rambling. I say crazy and not mad beacause they are 2 totally different emotions. I'll save that for another day. Peace and love and leave the madness to its own devices. madness will come in all ways of life. Cope. Ps Please do not for one minute think that i am involving disabled or braindamaged people in my veiw

Pets corner...

PostPosted: Thu Sep 08, 2011 1:35 pm
by Amethyst
Dub said dont do it.. but i couldnt resist (sorry dub xx)

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Meet MZAWF's newest members Pheobe, Pepper and Rooney...

They are Degus :-D

Anyone one else want to bring there pets down to pets corner :scarf