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Squatters rights lol

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In America today

Postby brillo » Tue Nov 23, 2010 2:31 pm

Enhanced Pat Down Techniques

Have we have become so spooked by “terror threats” that now we will submit to just about anything in the name of security ?
It has been suggested that, we are allowing ourselves to be treated as little more than cattle.
Procedures that would once be considered offensive and an affront to our human dignity, are now accepted as 'the new normal'.

If you want to get on an airplane in America today, you must either go through one of the incredibly intrusive full body scanners that are going into all U.S. airports and let airport security gawk at your exposed body, or you must allow airport security to feel you up using the new 'enhanced pat-down' techniques.

It has been said that if anyone tried to touch us in this proposed manner on the street they would be put in prison.
But is this the new America where we must give up our right to privacy and dignity so that everyone can feel a little bit safer.

Up until this week, many Americans were not that concerned about the new full body security scanners going into airports across the nation because they still had the alternative of opting for a minimally intrusive pat-down. But now that has all changed. It turns out that too many Americans were opting for the pat-down, so now the TSA is rolling out their new “enhanced pat-down” procedures.

Previously, airport security officials used the backs of their hands to pat down passengers, but now they are being required to use the fronts of their hands. This includes directly touching some body parts that would just receive only a quick brush over with the back of the hand before.

If you want to get on a plane in America today, the following examples are the kind of things you will be going to have to endure. Nobody is exempt.

A recent story in the News featured an expert explaining what these changes will mean for a female passenger….
“You go down the body and up to the breast portion,” said Charles Slepian of the Foreseeable Risk Analysis Center.
“If it’s a female passenger, you’re going to see if there’s anything in the bra.”

These new procedures are so highly intrusive that even those who work for the mainstream media are starting to seriously complain.

For example, CNN employee Rosemary Fitzpatrick was absolutely horrified when she was recently patted-down by airport security. According to her, the airport security official ran her hands around her breasts, over her stomach, buttocks and her inner thighs, and even touched her most private areas. The following is how Fitzpatrick described how she felt about the experience to CNN….

An airline pilot based in Memphis who recently refused both the enhanced pat-down and the full body scan was barred from flying.

Things are getting completely and totally ridiculous.
(prison planet TV)
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Boys will be Boys

Postby Nevis » Sat Dec 04, 2010 2:24 pm

That's my boys :!:
One son bets the other that he can't stand on a pouffe for 2 hours. The bet? £40.
The son standing on the pouffe neglected to get his beers and the remote before he started. So sad. Lol xxx
But the his determination to win the bet was commendable and he won the bet 2 hours on a pouffe £40
Although he owed nova £60 anyway so no money changed hands.
But well done mozza21 your a winner 8-)
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Merry Christmas

Postby dub » Wed Dec 15, 2010 7:07 pm

Christmas Greetings from our music maestro danny devitto
Groovy !
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bah humbug

Postby brillo » Sat Jan 01, 2011 5:24 pm

No seasonal cheer at my place of work :x
When I see my m8s getting rewarded with a little extra for christmas in recognition of their contribution to the profits made by their employer.
The mean ol company that employs me provided a small tree and decorations for the crew room :lol: yes laughing out loud cause that was it :twisted:
Then to add insult to injury, while our bosses where likely enjoying a wonderful time seeing in the new year lapping in luxury no doubt
Swathes of us workers were twiddling our thumbs doing nowt because our boss is so mean to stand anybody down even regardless of the fact that some workers have to travel up to 50 miles to return home. Yep bah humbug
How do these people sleep at night?
Mean spirited, self serving, short sighted fools.
Any guesses who employs clue I work at gatwick airport
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Re: bah humbug

Postby dub » Sat Jan 01, 2011 9:35 pm

Reward :o
*The Group recognises that its continuing success depends on the quality and *motivation of its employees. It aims to ensure that its remuneration practices are competitive, *enabling it to attract, retain and motivate executives and employees who have the experience, skills and talents to operate and *develop its businesses to their maximum potential.
My score for the quality of employees is
Quality = +10
Motivation = -10
If it was demotivation then plus +10 :lol: :lol: :lol:
remuneration practices / competitive = + 5
If Q = + - 10 . M = +-10. & R = + - 10. :? :? :?
then +10 - 10 + 5 = + 5 Well I'd be dropped like a 'Hot Potato' if I fell 50% short of the set standards :oops:
I'm thankful for the work but feel more than slightly 'short changed' though:? :twisted:

* txt copied from the link below ;)
Read More :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: ... ponsibilty
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Postby brillo » Wed Jan 12, 2011 7:26 pm

mzawf has of late experienced a spate of spammers targeting our forums using remote bots to enable mass registrations.
Some members have shown concerns over recieving emails stating that a mzawf member shops at particular shopping site and or recommends a service.
These emails are spam and should be blocked and filtered out using internet security.
mzawf will only recommend a product or service via its asscociated web forums facility and will not private mesage or email information directly to its members.
This phenomena is a fact of the www web and we have been informed by our tech that its only managable and cannot be totally prevented, for reason that as a fix is devised this type of program mutates and overtime bypasses the fix.
Its very similar to the processes of a virus when it gets immune to the drugs which have been designed to supress or cure an illness.
If any member receives spam via the mzawf board please notify admin, this will assist in preventing this stuff circulating on our forums.
mzawf takes its obligations seriously in keeping member details safe and secure and wil not tolerate spammers on our forums.
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Site Down

Postby steveizy » Tue Jan 18, 2011 5:08 pm

It appears that mzawf is down along with all other freeforum pages to viewers in most of the UK.

For once it seems not to be Virginmedia or any other UK ISP's fault, but a fault in the USA at where traceroute stops dead. Other people are getting the same result

I'm posting this through a proxy server which seems to work reasonably well.


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